Tutoring System Project -Learning Sciences
The goal of this project is to develop a Web-based tutoring system on a topic within the areas of learning and motivation. The objective is to integrate information/concepts learned from the course along with additional outside sources (journal articles, the internet, etc.) to create an informative program to benefit a targeted audience. In essence, you will become “experts” within one particular topic and then share your knowledge with others. Remember that your tutorial should be interesting and engaging . . . a program you would voluntarily choose to interact with. You will present this to the class, receive feedback from your peers in order for you to make improvements, and then provide John with an internet link for assessment. Please consider choosing a topic that will benefit you outside of the realm of classwork (your job, in your teaching, research, etc.). The project can be completed individually or in a small group (max 3 students). If completed in a group the completion of a confidential “contribution sheet” will be required. Some general topics are below but you should transform these into something more specific for your intended audience. For instance, Strategies for Improving Metacognitive Monitoring abilities in Reading for 4th graders. Once you have determined your topic inform John of your choice.
Required Components of your Tutoring System:
Things to consider/include in your project:
How your presentation will be assessed (40 points):
Sample Projects
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