Syal, S., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2020). The impact of trace data and motivational self-reports in a game-based learning environment. Computers & Education, 157,
Pesout, O., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2020). The impact of cooperation and competition on metacognitive monitoring and performance in a classroom context. Journal of Experimental Education, 89(2), 237-258..
Szczytko, R., Stevenson, K., Peterson, M. N., Nietfeld, J. L., & Strnad, R. (2018). Development and validation of the environmental literacy instrument for adolescents. Environmental Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2018.1487035
Braten, I., Lien, A., Nietfeld, J. L. (2017). Examining the effects of task instructions to induce implicit theories of intelligence on a rational thinking test: A cross-cultural study. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 225, 146-156.
Ersozlu, Z., Nietfeld, J. L., & Huseynova, L. (2017). Predicting preservice music teachers’ performance success in instrumental courses using self-regulated study strategies and predictor variables. Music Education Research, 19, 123-132.
Lee, C. W., Walkowiak, T. A., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2017). Characterization of mathematics instructional practises for prospective elementary teachers with varying levels of self-efficacy in classroom management and mathematics teaching. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 29, 45-72.
Thomson, M., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2017). Self-Regulated Learning: A comparison among Preservice Teachers from Different Programs. Journal of Interdisciplinary Teacher Leadership, 1, 19-24.
Thomson, M. M., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2016). Belief systems and classroom practices: Identified typologies of elementary school teachers from the United States. Journal of Educational Research, 109, 360-374.
DiFrancesca, D., Nietfeld, J. L., & Cao, L. (2016). A mixed methods comparison of high and low achieving students on self-regulated learning variables. Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 228-236.
Cooke, N. K., Nietfeld, J. L., & Goodell, L. S. (2015). Development and validation of the Childhood Obesity Prevention Self-Efficacy (COP-SE) Survey. Childhood Obesity, 11, 114-121.
Nietfeld, J. L., Bruning, R. B., & DiFrancesca, D. (2015). The role of observation in the recall of informational text. International Journal of Educational Research, 69, 88-97.
Cooke, N. K., Ash, S. L., Nietfeld, J. L., Fogleman, A. D., and Goodell, L. S. (2015). Impact of a Service-Learning-Based Community Nutrition Course on Students’ Teaching Self-Efficacy. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, 59, 28-33.
Nietfeld, J. L., Shores, L. R., & Hoffmann, K. F. (2014). Self-regulation and gender within a game-based learning environment, Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.
Hargrove, R. A., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2014). The impact of metacognitive instruction on creative problem solving. Journal of Experimental Education. DOI: 10.1080/00220973.2013.876604
Faulkner, V., Stiff, Marshall, Nietfeld, J. L., & Crossland, C. (2014). The impact of race and teacher perceptions as predictors of algebra placement, Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 45, 288-311.
Lester, J. C., Spires, H. A., Nietfeld, J. L., Minogue, J. Mott, B. W., Lobene, E. V. (2014). Designing game-based learning environments for elementary science education: A narrative-centered learning perspective, Information Sciences, 264, 4-18.
Thomson, M. M., Turner, J. E., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2012). A typological approach to investigate the teaching career decision: Motivation and beliefs about teaching of preservice teacher candidates, Teaching and Teacher Education, 28, 324-335.
Flanagan, K. E., Nietfeld, J. L., & Linnenbrink-Garcia, L. (2011). Giftedness and metacognition: A short-term longitudinal investigation of metacognitive monitoring in the classroom, Gifted Child Quarterly, 55, 181-193.
Wery, J., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2010). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning with Exceptional Children, Teaching Exceptional Children, 42, 70-78.
Huff, J. D., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2009). Using strategy instruction and confidence judgments to improve metacognitive monitoring skills. Metacognition and Learning, 4, 161-176.
Hoffmann, K. F., Huff, J. D., Patterson, A. S., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2009). Elementary teachers’ use and perceptions of rewards in the classroom. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25, 843-849.
Corbell, K. A., Reiman, A. J., Nietfeld, J. L. (2008). The Perceptions of Success Inventory for Beginning Teachers: Measuring its psychometric properties. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 1551-1563.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2007). Examining the multiplicative relations among achievement goals, strategy use, and class performance in educational psychology. Teaching Educational Psychology, 2, 1-20.
Nietfeld, J. L., Finney, S. J., Schraw, G., & McCrudden, M. T. (2007). A test of theoretical models that account for information processing demands. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 32, 499-515.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2007). College students’ metacognitive awareness of difficulties in learning the class content does not automatically lead to adjustment of study strategies. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 7, 31-46.
Nietfeld, J. L., Cao, L., & Osborne, J. W. (2006). The effect of distributed monitoring exercises and feedback on performance and monitoring accuracy. Metacognition and Learning, 2, 159-179.
Nietfeld, J. L., Enders, C. K., & Schraw, G. (2006). A Monte Carlo comparison of two measures of monitoring accuracy. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 66, 258-271.
Nietfeld, J. L., Cao, L., & Osborne, J. W. (2005). Metacognitive monitoring accuracy and student performance in the classroom. Journal of Experimental Education, 74(1), 7-28.
Nietfeld, J. L. & Hunt, A. A.(2005, February 05). Elementary and Pre-Service Teachers' Strategies for Working with Students with Hyperactivity, Current Issues in Education [On-line], 8(2). Available:
Cao, L. and Nietfeld J. L. (2005, Feb 05). Judgment of Learning, Monitoring Accuracy, and Student Performance in the Classroom Context. Current Issues in Education [On-line], 8(4). Available:
Wilkens, T., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2004). The effect of a school-wide inclusion training programme upon teachers’ attitudes about inclusion. Journal of Research in Special Education Needs, 4(3), 115-121.
Nietfeld, J. L., & Enders, C. K. (2003, March 17). An examination of student teacher beliefs: Interrelationships between hope, self-efficacy, goal-orientations, and beliefs about learning. Current Issues in Education [On-line], 6(5). Available:
Nietfeld, J. L., & Bosma, A. (2003). Examining the self-regulation of impulsive and reflective response styles on academic tasks. Journal of Research in Personality, 32, 118-140.
Nietfeld, J. L. (2003). An examination of metacognitive strategy use and monitoring skills by competitive middle distance runners. The Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 15, 307-320.
Nietfeld, J. L. and Cao, L. (2003, June 19). Examining instructional strategies that promote pre-service teachers' personal teaching efficacy. Current Issues in Education [On-line], 6(11). Available:
Nietfeld, J. L., & Schraw, G. (2002). The role of knowledge and strategy training on metacognitive monitoring. The Journal of Educational Research, 95, 131-142.
Singletary, M. L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2002). Why are standardized tests scores so low in Georgia? Factors effecting achievement across states. GATEways to Teacher Education, 15(1), 45-62.
Nietfeld, J. L. (2002). Beyond concept maps: Using schema representations to assess pre-service teacher understanding of effective instruction. The Professional Educator, 25(1), 15-27.
Schraw, G., & Nietfeld, J. (1998). A further test of the general monitoring skill hypothesis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(2), 236-248.
Publications (Book Chapters/Sections)
Nietfeld, J. L., & Shores, L. R. (2010). Self-regulation within game-based learning environments. In L. Annetta & S. Bronack (Eds.), Serious Educational Game Assessment (pp. 19-42). Sense Publishers.
Schraw, G., & Nietfeld, J. (2002). Metamemory: Its Development and Role in Learning. In J.W. Guthrie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Education (2nd Edition). Macmillan.
Hargrove, R. A., Nietfeld, J. L. (2013, July). The creative classroom: Exploring the relationship between creativity and metacognition in a classroom context. Annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
DiFrancesca, D., Nietfeld, J. L., Cao, L. (2013, April). A test of the general monitoring hypothesis using ecologically valid instruments. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Nietfeld, J. L., Minogue, J., Spires, H. A., & Lester, J. (2013, April). Girls and games: Examining the performance and self-regulation of girls in a science gaming environment. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Shores, L. R., Hoffmann, K. F., Nietfeld, J. L., & Lester, J. C. (2012). The role of subproblems: Supporting problem-solving in narrative-centered learning environments. In Proceedings of Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Crete, Greece, pp. 464-469.
Pop, M. M., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2012, April). Beliefs System and Knowledge: Analyses of Teachers’ Cognitions and Impact on Teaching. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Hoffman, K. F., Nietfeld, J. L., Dolezal, L. (2012, April). Metacognitive Strategy Instruction and Science Text Comprehension in Fifth Grade Students. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Sperling, R. A., Ramsay, C. M., Richmond, A. S., Nietfeld, J. L., Reeves, P. M., & Hood, A. M. (2012, April). General Monitoring and Instructional Scaffolds that Support Metacognition in Middle School Students. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Lester, J., Minogue, J., Nietfeld, J., Spires, H. A. (2012, April). Tracing the Design and Testing of a Game-based Learning Environment (GBLE) for Upper Elementary Students. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Nietfeld, J. L. (2012, January). Motivation in an Educational Computer Game Environment for 5th Graders. Annual meeting of Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Nietfeld, J. L., & Shores, L. R. (2011, July). A Game-Based Learning Environment to Encourage Problem-Solving and Engagement in 5th Graders. Presented at the International Conference on Learning, Port Louis, Mauritius.
Nietfeld, J. L., & Shores, L. R. (2011, April). Self-Regulation and Metacognitive Monitoring within a Game-based Learning Environment. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Shores, L. R., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2011, April). The Role of Compensatory Scaffolds for Inquiry Learning in Narrative-Centered Learning Environments. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Nietfeld, J. L., & Shores, L. R., & Hoffmann, K. F. (2011, May). Learning and Gender Differences in a Narrative-Centered Learning Environment. International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
Minogue, J., Mott, B., Nietfeld, J., Spires, H., Lester, J., & Russo, M. (2011, April). Crystal Island- Uncharted Discovery: An intelligent game-based learning environment. Presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) International Conference, Orlando, FL.
Ruiz, M., Haapanen, S., & Nietfeld, J. (2010, July). Self-efficacy, emotional states, and perceived performance qualities in young competitive swimmers. Presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Myers, R., Rice, A., Clements, T., Hawks, R., & Nietfeld, J. (2010, May). Catalyst of the strange: The impact of study abroad on the development of landscape architecture students’ design abilities. Presented at the International Conference on Landscape Legacy, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Shores, L. R. & Nietfeld, J. L. (2010, May). Challenges and Potential Solutions to Encourage Self-Regulation in Game-Based Learning Environments. In Proceedings of the 4th Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 Metacognition, Muenster, Germany.
Nietfeld, J. L., Cao, L., & Shores, L. R. (2010, April). Can motivation and beliefs scales predict classroom performance? Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
Minogue, J., Mott, B., Nietfeld, J., Spires, H., Lester, J., & Russo, M. (2010, March). Tracing the development of crystal island: Uncharted Discovery: An intelligent game-based learning environment. Presented at the National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST) International Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Shores, L. R., Hoffmann, K. F., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2010, February). The Impact of Narrative-Centered Learning Environments on Situational Interest and Problem-Solving Transfer. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA.
McBroom, S. R., Morton, C. L., Nash, S., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2010, February). The effects of token systems on academic performance across genders for high-achieving high school students. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Savannah, GA.
Nietfeld, J. L., Hoffmann, K. F., & Shores, L. R. (2010, January). Gender Differences in Motivation Within a Narrative-Centered Learning Environment. Annual meeting of Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Pop, M. M., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2010, January). Beliefs and Reform Practices of Elementary School Teachers: An Analysis of Teachers’ Belief Systems and the Impact on their Science Teaching Practices. Annual meeting of Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Shores, L. R., Nietfeld, J. L., Hoffmann, K. L., & McQuiggan, S. W. (2009, June). An Examination of Individual Differences in a Narrative Centered Learning Environment. Annual meeting of Ed-Media, Honolulu, HI, USA.
McQuiggan, S. W., Lester, J. C, Nietfeld, J. L., Hoffmann, K. F., Robison, J. L, & Spires, H. A. (2009, April). Modeling metacognitive monitoring in narrative-centered learning environments. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Hoffmann, K. F., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2009, April). Teacher Assessment of Student Metacognition: Relationships Among Metacognitive Measures and Academic Achievement in Upper Elementary Students. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Nietfeld, J. L., Hoffmann, K. L., McQuiggan, S. W., & Lester, J. (2008, July). Self-regulated learning in a narrative centered learning environment. Annual meeting of Ed-Media, Vienna, Austria.
McQuiggan, S. W., Hoffmann, K. L., Nietfeld, J. L., Robison, J., & Lester, J. (2008, June). Examining Self-Regulated Learning in a Narrative-Centered Learning Environment: An Inductive Approach to Modeling Metacognitive Monitoring. To appear in Proceedings of the ITS'08 Workshop on Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Technologies, Montreal, Canada, 2008.
Flanagan, K. E., Nietfeld, J. L., & Nash, S. L. (2008, March). Cognitive Monitoring in the Classroom Context: A Look Into the Metacognitive Skills of Gifted Adolescents. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Cao, L., Hoffmann, K. F., Huff, J. D., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2008, March). Examining Reader Beliefs, Situational Interest, and Monitoring Accuracy Across Texts. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Hoffmann, K. F., Huff, J. D., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2008, February). Elementary school teachers use and perception of rewards. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.
Schraw, G., Nietfeld, J., Cao, L., & Olafson, L. (2007, September). Metacognition and strategy use in the college classroom. Biennial meeting of European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Budapest, Hungary.
Nietfeld, J. L. (2007, July). The Impact of Metacognitive Reading Strategies and Technology on Reading Comprehension. Annual meeting of International School Psychology Association, Tampere, Finland.
Hoffmann, K. L., Nietfeld, J. L., & Vignovic, J. (2007, April). Teacher variables that predict elementary school students’ reading comprehension, self-efficacy, and knowledge of strategies. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Cao, L., Nietfeld, J. L. (2007, April). The Effects of Training College Students to Self-Regulate Learning in Educational Psychology. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Huff, J.D., Nietfeld, J. L. (2007, April). Using strategy instruction and confidence estimates to improve metacognitive monitoring skills. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Nietfeld, J. L., & Cao, L. (2006, September). The relationship between various measures of children’s metacognitive monitoring and reading comprehension performance. Annual meeting European Conference on Educational Research, Geneva, Switzerland.
Nietfeld, J. L. (2006, July). The development of comprehension monitoring accuracy by elementary school students. Biennial meeting of International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Melbourne, Australia.
Nietfeld, J. L., & Cao, L. (2006, April). What self-regulation variables predict course performance in educational psychology? Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J.L. (2006, April). College students’ perceived difficulties in class content, choice of study strategies, and test performance in educational psychology (EERA award presentation). Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J.L. (2006, April). Relationships among self-efficacy, monitoring accuracy, and attributions for performance in educational psychology. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Corbell, K. A., Reiman, A. J., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2006, April). The construction and evaluation of the Perceptions of Success Inventory for Beginning Teachers. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2006, February). Perceived achievement goals, strategy use, and achievement outcomes in educational psychology. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.
Hoffmann, K. L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2006, February). The effects of teacher efficacy and teacher experience on treatment integrity and student performance in a reading comprehension program. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.
Nietfeld, J. L., Bleiler, T. L. (2006, January). Enhancing a metacognitive strategy-based reading comprehension program with a computer-based tutoring system. Annual meeting of Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
Nietfeld, J. L. (2005, July). The challenges of implementing a widescale metacognitive reading strategy intervention program. Annual meeting of International School Psychology Association, Athens, Greece.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2005, April). Judgment of learning, self-monitoring, and student performance in a classroom context. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2005, April). Exploring the relationships between self-efficacy and metacognition. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Seaton, A., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2005, March). The impact of CPS technology in monitoring, performance, and pedagogy in educational psychology. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Sarasota, FL.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2005, March). College students’ perceived difficulties in class content, choice of study strategies, and test performance in educational psychology. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Sarasota, FL.
Nietfeld, J. L. (2004, July). Examining the self-regulation of impulsive and reflective response styles on academic tasks. Annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Nietfeld, J. L. (2004, July). An examination of metacognitive strategy use and monitoring skills by competitive middle distance runners. Annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI.
Nietfeld, J. L., & Cao, L. (2004, April). The effects of extended monitoring training on performance and monitoring accuracy of pre-service teachers. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2004, February). Judgment of learning, self-monitoring, and student performance in a classroom context. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Clearwater, FL.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2003, May). Using schema representation and traditional measures to assess student learning in educational psychology. Annual meeting of Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Hunt, A. A., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2003, March). Elementary and pre-service teachers’ solutions when dealing with hyperactive students. Spring meeting of Georgia Association of Teacher Educators, St. Simon’s Island.
Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2003, February). Prompted self-monitoring and student performance in educational psychology. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, S.C.
Roberts, E. P., Putney, D., Nietfeld, J. L., & Duncanson, J. (2003, February). Impact of hypermedia literacy instruction on preservice teachers’ motivation and self-efficacy. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, S.C.
Nietfeld, J., & Lehman, S. (2002, April). Beyond Concept Maps: Using Schema Representations to Assess Pre-Service Teacher Understanding. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Nietfeld, J. L, & Desai, S. U. (2002, April). Does hope lead to higher self efficacy and a mastery goal orientation?: An examination of student-teacher beliefs. Annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Singletary, M. L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2002, March). Why are standardized test scores so low in Georgia? Factors effecting achievement across states. Spring meeting of Georgia Association of Teacher Educators, St. Simon’s Island.
Nietfeld, J. L., & Cao, L. (2002, February). Examining Instructional Strategies that Promote Pre-Service Teachers’ Personal Teaching Efficacy. Annual meeting of Eastern Educational Research Association, Sarasota, FL.
Nietfeld, J., & Schraw, G. (2000, April). The role of knowledge and strategy training on metacognitive monitoring. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.
VanZile-Tamsen, C., Boes, S. R., & Nietfeld, J. (1999, November). Closing the gap: Using lessons learned from educational psychology to prepare school counselors and teachers. Paper presented at The Education Trust National Conference, Washington, D.C.
Schraw, G., & Nietfeld, J. (1999, April). Working memory constraints on metacognitive monitoring. Paper presented at American Education Research Association annual meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Nietfeld, J., & Schraw, G. (1998, April). Text factors influencing adults' implicit models of reading. Paper presented at American Education Research Association annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
Bruning, R., Schweiger, B., & Nietfeld, J. (1997, March). The role of observation in reading recall and interest: A preliminary study. Paper presented at Society for Scientific Study of Reading annual conference, Chicago, IL.
Schraw, G., & Nietfeld, J. (1997, March). A further test of the general monitoring skill hypothesis. Paper presented at American Education Research Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.